Window 8 Shortcut Keyboard Keys 2015
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Window 8 Shortcut Keyboard Keys 2015 Friends its me Ethlatic Sam you know i know that you know me if you don't know then now me know i am simple guy with tough mind and my motto is knowledge is free because i am sharing my knowledge today i am going to give you all list of shortcut keyboard keys of window 8 and i know that you need it badly because window 8 is a little bit hard for unknowns so i thought that i have to provide you shortcuts keywords so this will make you expert and also make your experience good:) so stay with me for getting more information:) Some Important Shortcut Keys Of win 8 :-
Windows keys:- open the Start Screen.
Win + Z :- open Bar Application.
Win + W :- Search in setting of the system.
Win + X :- Open Window Mobility Center.
Win + V :- Switch About notification.
Win + Shift +V:- Switch among notification(in reverse method).
Win + U :- Open Ease of access center.
Win + T :- Open Focus to task-bar and toggle to program.
Win + S :- Open One Note Screen Shot creator( If Microsoft Office-One Note is not installed)
Win + R :- Open Run Dialog Box.
Win + Q:- Open Window App Search.
Win + P :- Display Projection Option.
Win+ O :- Disable Screen Rotation/ Orientation.
Win + N :- Create a New One Note ( if its Not Installed).
Win + M:- Minimize all windows.
Win + Shift + M :- Restore minimize windows.
Win + L :- Lock your computer.
Win + K :- Open devise connection.
Win + J :- toggled foreground between filled and snapped applications.
Win + I :- open setting panel.
Win + H :- open share panel.
Win + G :- Toggle through window desktop.
Win + F:- Search for the file in computer.
Win + Ctrl + F :- Search for computer in network.
Win + E :- Show window explorer file's tree view.
Win + D :- Toggle ''show Desktop''.
Win + C:- Search charms bar .
Win + B :- Set focus to notification area.
Win + Enter :- open window narrator.
Win + Alt + Enter:- open media center( if it installed )
Win + Space-bar :- Change the keyboard layout.
Win + Page-up:- move start screen to the left side screen.
Win + Page Down :- move start screen to the right side screen.
Win + Plus :- magnifier zoom in.
Win + minus :- magnifier zoom out.
Win + Esc :- Close magnifier.
Win + left Arrow :- Dock the current window to left half screen.
Win + Right Arrow :- Dock the current window to right half screen.
Win + Up Arrow :- minimize the currently active window.
Win + Down Arrow :- minimize / restore.
Win + Shift + Up Arrow :- maximize the currently window.
Win + Shift + Down Arrow :- Maximize / restore
Win + Shift + Left Arrow :- Move currently window to the left side.
Win + Shift + Right Arrow:- Move currently window to the right side.
Win + home :- Toggle (minimize/maximize) all non active windows.
Win + number :- Launch the program for the task-bar sequence.
Win + break :- Display system properties dialog box.
Win + F1 :- open window support and help.
Win + Forward slash (/) :- initiative IME(Input Method Editor) re-conversion.
Win + Tab:- Toggle through all window.
Win + Ctrl + Tab :- Toggle through all windows and snap them if they cycle :-
Win + Shift + Tab :- Toggle application in reverse method.
Win + dot (.) :- Move the gutter to the right.
Win + Shift + Dot(.) :- Move the gutter to the left.
Win + Comma(,) :- Lock the temporary at the desktop .
How To redirect 404 error Page to Homepage In Blogger Starting with shortcut Alt Keys :-
Alt + W :- creating a new documents/select a templete.
Alt + X :- also for Cut .
Alt + S + N :- Deselect .
Alt + A :- Open Special Features.
Alt + H :- find history of files .
Alt + N :- Create a New folder.
Alt + S + R :- open Properties .
Alt + E :- Edit Select Files.
Friends these are the short cut key by using these you can run your window 8 easily and i hope you like it and comment fast if it really impress you so stay with me for getting more updates :) thank you :)
Ethlatic Sam